Monday, July 29, 2024

Review: Dreams on the Horizon (Horizon Series #2) by Penny Zeller - Christian fiction

ISBN: 9781957847290
Buy: Amazon
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Can love overcome all obstacles?

Mae Shepherdson’s dream of a school for the deaf has finally come to fruition. All is going well until she receives devastating news: the railroad wants to build a spur through the property where the Horizon School for the Deaf is located. What will become of the children who attend the school and the employees who so tirelessly commit their time and resources? Mae questions why God would allow the closing of a school that has been the lifeline for so many young pupils. And what of her dream that no child should endure being ostracized as she once was?

Landon Bennick is accustomed to obeying his father’s orders. He’s observed and even assisted with the building of many railroad spurs, and the newest in Horizon should be no exception. However, things grow complicated when he begins to fall in love with Mae, a soft-spoken teacher at the Horizon School for the Deaf—the same school blocking the railroad’s progress. Will Landon heed his father’s strict demands or is there another way to build the spur and save the school? Secret word: dream

When a nefarious character with vengeful intent threatens Mae, will Landon intervene before it’s too late and save the woman who has claimed his heart?
Return to late 1800s Horizon, Idaho, for this heartwarming and tender romance by the author of the Wyoming Sunrise Series, Hollow Creek Series, Montana Skies Series, and Love Letters from Ellis Creek Series.

My thoughts:  In this second book in the "Horizons series," the author captures the essence of America in the period when the railroads were forging ahead across the nation connecting the developed, bustling East coast with the mid-West and beyond. The story is centered on a very small township in Idaho, and the folks in this town have very mixed feelings about the railroad coming to town.

Situated in this little town is a home and school for deaf children. This is definitely a forward thinking enterprise as the language for the deaf was a fairly new development. The staff includes a grown lady that was an orphan train child and from a badly abusive situation prior to landing in the town of Horizon. (sign language)

As the story progresses we meet irresistible children, a sweet older lady, an older gentleman that survived the war who is sweet on said older lady, cranky rich folks, and a winsome heroine and captivating hero. There is a touch of danger and a whole heap of goodness.

Penny Zeller has produced another squeaky clean story which she has dedicated to..... "all of those whom the Lord has rescued and given a fresh start."

I highly recommend. 

DISCLOSURE: I received a complimentary copy to facilitate a review. Opinions are mine, alone and are freely given.

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