Friday, July 19, 2024

I'm Afraid Said the Leaf by Danielle Daniel & illustrated by Matt James

My thoughts: 
As I read through this delightful book, I realized that there are offered a number of teaching opportunities. Written and illustrated as a lesson in the interdependency of all aspects of life on this planet with the environment, the lessons in the idea that there is help and comfort, there is alleviation of our fears in the fact that there is help in our distress, that there is support in our weaknesses are strong messages.

And while the leaves, the animals, the small critters are helped by larger entities like the sun and the wind, the young child watches each and every of these interdependent solutions transpire. He sees, and he can envision how even in his own fear, there is help. Even in his own cold, there is warmth. Even in his own distress, there is an opportunity to overcome. He can envision help for himself. No, the text doesn't say this, but it is inferred.

So the book with is sometimes dark illustrations captures the essence of dependence. A good book.

About the book: A touching, playful exploration of empathy and interdependency from an acclaimed author and illustrator.

I'm afraid, Said the leaf. You're not alone, Said the tree. But who will comfort a nervous bird, a lonely crab, a lost wolf? How can a horse find warmth, a snail some cheer, a child some rest?

Through a series of amusing and soothing exchanges, this deceptively simple and profound picture book depicts different pairings to celebrate interconnectedness and underlines the importance of caring for every living organism to ensure a strong and healthy natural world.

I'm Afraid, Said the Leaf invites young readers to understand that we all need each other for support and survival - and that we're all stronger together.

DISCLOSURE: I won a copy of this book from the Early Reviewers program. The book is provided by Tundra Books. A review is not necessary nor required but is appreciated. Opinions are mine, alone and freely given.

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