Sunday, June 16, 2024

The Fathers In My Life - A Heritage

I have been blessed to have my father in my life and I still grieve that he is no longer here where I can see his face, feel his hug, and hear his voice. But he isn't the only "father" that has been part of my life.

I'm a "long-lived senior" so there have been generations of fathers whose presence has enriched, blessed, and protected me throughout the years.

First, my father. What a joy to have him in my life throughout childhood and into adulthood! He had the privilege of getting to know all five of our children.

Sam Lennon Houston

As a child growing up, my grandparents lived with us so I was able to see, hug, and hear my grandfather throughout my childhood. He died when I was a young adult. 

Sam Houston

Then my husband, the father of our five children, was such a blessing to us. Having been rooted with a strong family life headed by fathers who were present leading and loving through the years, I reflect back on how my husband continued to lead, love, inspire, protect, support me through the years.

Jack Hoggard Godley

And now to the present, I have lost my grandfather. I have lost my father. I have lost my husband - father of our five children. But I reflect on how the strength of fatherhood has been passed on to future generations.

Our two sons are strong, capable, supporting, loving, caring fathers. I treasure the joy of seeing them raise their families.

And now my grandsons have married and are beginning to raise their families. Fathers of this new generation - my great grandchildren. My grandsons are proving themselves to be loving, caring, protective, supportive, leading individuals - new fathers, strong fathers, heritage fathers.

These fathers have  all had a faith in the supreme father - God the Father. What a treasured blessing.

1 comment:

  1. Memories of family and friends are always special.

    allibrary (at) aol (dot) com


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