Cat and Mouse by Britta Teckentrup (ISBN: 978-3-7913-7374-4; Ages 1-3; Board Book $14.95)
My thoughts: The format and art in this children's book is somewhat different and a bit stark. It is interesting and gets the message accross. The age old game of cat and mouse is played out on the pages as mouse flits from one spot to another as he is being pursued by cat.
The description of the book states.... "young readers will learn about important prepositions that help them understand where one object is in relation to another" but this will certainly need to be pointed out to little ones. It can, however, aid readers in comprehending how Mouse scurries from point A to point B in order to hide and evade Cat. Inside. In the box. Behind. Down.Over there. In a tree.
Adults reading to little ones can emphasize the words or perhaps they will simply want to enjoy reading about the chase and the neat poke holes through which mouse can scurry.
A cute book and will be lots of fun for those who love a chase or love cats.
About the book: The perfect place for a mouse is inside a cozy, warm house, but a cat lives there too, and once the cat sees the mouse, a chase ensues. As the cat and mouse scurry about—on top of a chair, inside a box, outside a window, through a hole—young readers will learn about important prepositions that help them understand where one object is in relation to another in relation to another. At the end of this colorful chase, the cat and mouse curl up together and nap until they’re ready to start the whole thing again. Britta Teckentrup’s eye-catching, simple illustrations are cleverly enhanced with cut-outs that help reinforce the words, providing a unique and fun interactive experience that teaches young readers about basic prepositions.
BRITTA TECKENTRUP has published dozens of highly acclaimed illustrated works for children, including Oskar loves…, Oskar and Mo, Oskar can…, The Egg, and Birds and Their Feathers (all by Prestel). She lives in Berlin, Germany.
The Song of Spring by Hendrik Jonas (ISBN: 978-3-7913-7379-9; Ages 2-5; Hardcover $12.95).
My thoughts: As I read this charmingly cute book, it is only a few weeks until Spring officially arrives. Already here in my area of North Carolina there are trees in full bloom with soft pink, deep pink, and white blossoms. And it is not yet the end of February. Some jonquils are already blooming, too. So opening the pages of
The Song of Spring is quite appropriate!
The host of birds are tweeting, chirping, singing away and finding their "friends" or mates. But one little bird doesn't have a friend and his song just doesn't seem to come out the right way. As he tries time after time, a menagerie of animals respond upon hearing their own song. But bird still has not found his special friend.
He has friends now, though, and that is what it is all about. And then at the end...... well, there is a pretty little girl bird waiting and looking, too.
Charming. Cute. Sweet.
About the book: It’s spring and everywhere birds are calling out to each other but one bird has forgotten which sound to make. He tries “Woof,” and meets a dog, who encourages him to try “Oink,” with the expected result. Moo, Hee-Haw, Meh, Meow—each successive call adds another animal friend to the page. Will the young bird find another bird friend? As young readers are introduced to each type of animal and their sounds, Hendrik Jonas’ clever illustrations grow increasingly crowded. The result is a beautiful celebration of friendship that will delight young children everywhere.
HENDRIK JONAS is a Berlin-based illustrator whose work has appeared in The Times and The Guardian. This is his third book for children.
New York Day & Night by Aurélie Pollet and illustrated by Vincent Bergier (ISBN: 978-3-7913-7378-2; Ages 3-6)
My thoughts: Now this book has some stark, bold colors and images. It is different in that the pages alternate between regular art and transparent pages. The transparent pages change the scene you're looking at into the opposite - day to night, night to day.
The illustrations are cute and will capture the fancy of kids. On one page when it is day, the construction workers are building new buildings. Now flip the transparent sheet over the scene and there is a super-hero complete with cape flying across the night sky.
They say New York never sleeps, and the night scenes show action and activity still taking place. Of course, some of the night visuals are imaginative and a bit far-fetched. But fun.
Your hosts for this tour of the city is a cat by night and a squirrel by day.
About the book: Sometimes your eyes can play tricks on you, especially in the dark. This enchanting picture book shows how New York City can look quite peculiar at night. Each brightly colored spread is overlaid with a sheet of translucent blue paper and when lifted, voilà! A space ship and Martian become The Guggenheim, a giant serpent is actually the subway, King Kong’s jungle turns into Central Park, and a superhero takes on the shape of a construction worker. Exhilarating and captivating, all the scenes are easily switched between day and night and will take the reader on a unique journey that lets imaginations run wild while revealing that some things at night aren’t as scary as they seem.
AURÉLIE POLLET is an author, art director, illustrator, and film director. She lives in Paris, France.
VINCENT BERGIER is a French illustrator and musician. He lives in Paris, France.
1 Winner Choses 1 Book of Choice
Begins February 23
Ends March 22 at 12:01 a.m. EDT
Open to USA and CANADA addresses only.
DISCLOSURE: I received a complimentary copy from publicist on behalf of Prestel Publishing and authors to facilitate a review of each. Opinions are mine, alone, and are freely given. Winner's copy is provided and sent directly to the winner by publicist or publisher.