In a world of me-first and gimme it can sometimes be a daunting task to help your young child learn to be compassionate and to think beyond themselves.
Enter...... Compassion International with Compassion in Jesus' Name
Check out the website of Compassion International for a free E-book for kids that will help you teach them to care, to be compassionate, to share. click here
What's it about?
Goggles of Gratefulness!

In today’s world, it’s easy for children to have a me-centered mentality. Growing up in a society of materialism, marketing, and an overabundance of "stuff", their attention is constantly directed to the newest, the shiniest, and the most popular.
How can we teach our children the all-but-lost art of being grateful?
Let Compassion International help you with this free e-book for children, Goggles of Gratefulness. Based on a true story of a family who visited their Compassion sponsored child in Uganda, Goggles of Gratefulness is a children’s picture book that takes a closer look at what it means to be thankful for what we have and generous with what we share.
Follow the story of Amelia the bird, who learns an important lesson when she leaves her world of affluence to visit relatives who don’t have the same things she has. Like Amelia, your child can learn that people are more important than possessions, and that God can turn our desire to have more into a yearning to give more, do more, and be more for others.
DISCLOSURE: I received the information about this program from FlyByPromotions and was not compensated for posting this information. I may have received a copy of Too Small to Ignore in appreciation for this posting.
This looks adorable, and I love freebies! Thanks for sharing this at Booknificent Thursday on!