Monday, August 14, 2017

National Geographic Kids United States Atlas, 5th Edition [Review & Giveaway]

ISBN: 9781426328312
$12.99 - Softcover
Ages 8 - 12
National Geographic Kids United States Atlas is debuting this year for tweens and will help students tackle the bigger workloads and more advanced thinking they are sure to encounter when they walk into the classroom this Fall....

My thoughts:  The study of maps and related geographic information has fascinated me. I have found that a well-conceived atlas provides a mass of information in pictorial and bite sized information format that is readily assimilated by all ages. For that reason, I find that having a quality atlas in the home, classroom, and school library of paramount importance.

The expected accuracy and quality of the National Geographic Kids United States Atlas, 5th Edition ranks top of the list of books to pursue for the age 8 to 12 child. Other ages will benefit from this publication as well.

Grouped regionally, each state has its own two pages showing a map with small images indicating products of the economy and where these are produced. Natural resources and conditions are shown as well as information specific to that state (location of Indian reservations, national forests, etc.).

The map showing natural hazards - blizzards, drought, floods, hurricanes, ice storm, tornado, wildfire, earthquakes, tsunami - was quite interesting to me as were other facts and images showing the variety that is The United States of America.

Truly a book to add to a child's educational collection and reference collections of children's libraries.

About the book: National Geographic Kids United States Atlas, 5th Edition (ages 8-12, $12.99) - This is THE gold standard of atlases and a must-have reference for home or school.  Featuring more than 75 maps, over 350 color images, lively photo essays, and an easy-to-use place-name index, National Geographic’s world-renowned cartographers have paired up with education experts to create an unparalleled resource of information about the United States.  Kids will discover the latest data and trends regarding land and water, people and places and eight socially themed maps on nature, population, energy and fire delve deeper into key issues.
Begins August 15
Ends September 5 at 12:01 a.m. EDT
Open to USA addresses only

DISCLOSURE: I received a complimentary copy to facilitate this review. Opinions are my own and freely given.


  1. "What are 3 things for which you use an Atlas?" I'm interested in: the sizes of cities, the locations of cities, and the general geography of various countries!

  2. 1. Distances from one place to another
    2. Finding cities and towns near a geographic or historical feature to plan where to stay
    3. Get a visual of where states and locations are in relationship with one another.

  3. To settle arguments, to browse for interesting place names, and to find the locations of places in the news.

  4. 1.Looking for Museums to visit in each state.
    2.Parks to enter
    3.Locations of cities.

  5. 1. To teach my grandson about his home state
    2. To locate places I would like to visit
    3. To learn more about United States History

  6. 1. To learn about each state they have visited
    2. To see where historical sites are
    3. To see where we want to go

  7. 1. Check an area out.
    2. Teach geography to my children
    3. Compare distance

  8. 1. To find capitols and cities
    2. To show my kids where I grew up
    3. To see where we would want to go

  9. To explore, put places into perspective, to learn.

  10. 1. I like to look up state birds
    2. state flowers
    3. to look up state facts with my grandson.

  11. 1. To look up random facts about each state.
    2. To look up state capitals
    3. To find out distances from one place to another.

  12. 1. Planning a roadtrip
    2. Teaching the grandkids about the states
    3. Looking up locations in the news

  13. My google plus url

  14. 1. Natural resources
    2. Natural hazards
    3. Population

  15. 1.Location of lakes
    2.State counties
    3.Distance between cities

  16. You can use an atlas to:
    1. Find the state where you live
    2. Find other states where relatives live
    3. Find states where you want to travel

    allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

  17. 1. Teaching Geography
    2. Teaching Map skills
    3. Finding Fun places to visit next.

  18. What are 3 things for which you use an Atlas?
    1. Look up directions and possible routes
    2. To see how far our destination is from us
    3. To look up lattitude and longitude for school projects

  19. 3 ways to use an Atlas
    1. Look up information about a particular state.
    2/ Look up mountain ranges, Lakes and Rivers of a particular state.
    3. Look up different routes for a road trip.


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