Saturday, May 28, 2016

National Geographic Kids Almanac 2017 [Review & Giveaway]

  • ISBN-13: 978-1426324178
Ages 8-12 - Grades 3-7
Pages 352
My children grew up devouring time and time again issues of National Geographic Magazines. We didn't discard them, but had a special space in the closet for them. Well, eventually they were passed on along to the goodwill store. But my five children learned so very much from them.
Now newer generations of readers have not only the traditional National Geographic Magazines, but children's magazines and also a plethora of wonderful publications. One of these is the annual National Geographic Kids Almanac.

In many places "summer" began with the last school day in May and the excitement of free-from-study, sleep in late, and trips and swimming are filling the minds of young people. But parents should be cautious that their children don't experience the "summer slide" or "summer slump" where their mind basically goes on hold. With National Geographic's Children's Books they can be pleasantly stimulated mentally and find wonders that are absolutely fascinating.

The Almanac 2017 it is filled with new content and features and an interactive Almanac Newsmaker Challenge activity that encourages kids to make their own time capsule. Featuring not only the latest discoveries in the worlds of technology, conservation and nature, but grabs the kid's attention with great weird-but-true facts and activities that will keep 'em busy all summer long.

Any home with kids ages 8-12 needs this book! I am so very impressed with the quantity and quality of material in it. It is simply fascinating. It will provide hours (actually weeks!) of "edutainment." It will educate, entertain, and enthrall.

The fun and games section is simply packed with activities for kids. Well, that is if the kids can get it out of the hands of Mom and Dad.
Begins May 28
ENDS June 20 @ 12:01 a.m. EDT
Open to US addresses only.

DISCLOSURE: A complimentary copy was provided by Media Masters Publicity on behalf of National Geographic Kids to facilitate this review. Opinions are my own. I was not compensated. Winner's copy is also provided by National Geographic and will be shipped directly to the winner by them.


  1. We always have a wide selection of books available and have planned activities as well as free time and time outside.

    allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

  2. My nieces come over during the summer to help me do things.We read, play games,color and I take them swimming.My sister and brother in law do lots of activities and take them camping.Thank you for the chance :)

  3. By incorporating reading and critical thinking skills into daily play.

  4. My nieces come over during the summer to help me do things.We read, play games,color and I take them swimming.My sister and brother in law do lots of activities and take them camping.Thank you for the chance :)

  5. I've planned craft/learning boxes when they don't want to just free play with their friends. We are going to cook and learn how to do things that can help others. Trips to the beach and just relaxing. To have so much fun.

  6. I love the Nat Geo site, it offers so much for kids. 1) I love the interactive map where you can go and explore the world. 2) I really love the Homework help, it offers an Encyclopedia, Animal Facts, Glossary. History and about Countries right at their finger tips.

  7. My students do planned activities in the morning and then they chose learning centers in the afternoons.

  8. I'm a grandma whose grandkids live 2 house away. They drop by and we play games and then we sit and talk on the patio. It's nice to have them just pop by unexpectedly.

  9. At that site I learned that you can learn about amphibians and that there are photos for Memorial Day.

  10. I think during the summer is like any time, everything in moderation. We play a little every day, read, do chores, and play some more!

  11. I love National Geographic's wide selection of books they offer, plus games too!

  12. I found the Explore the Past and Learn the Facts sections to be interesting.

  13. My son likes to go down to the creek and look for fish and cool rocks. Hope he is getting his bike soon too!

  14. I love to do outdoor activities during the summer. It keeps kids entertained and lets me spend more time outdoors, which I enjoy. :)

  15. I learned that ostriches actually DON'T bury their heads in the sand when they are scared. That's a common myth. I also found out that opossums DO NOT hang by their tails. Good stuff. :)

  16. I like the videos of birds. I also like the Natrional Parks videos.

  17. In the summer I play outside and inside games with my grandchildren.

  18. I like the information about sharks and reptiles.

  19. During the summer we participate in the summer reading program at the library. During the middle of the day we rest and read books.

  20. they read and swim and then they go to camp

  21. the book has neat hotel and then the thing for kid to do

  22. I have a schedule but trying to follow it loosely based upon what the kids want to do. Also, weather will dictate outdoor activities because it gets very hot summer days.

  23. I thought it interesting that their website has polls and tools for homework help.

    allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

  24. We are planning one educational day trip a week.

  25. We plan to have one adventure a week. Scavenger hunt at a nature park; trip to the zoo or museum; etc.

  26. We listen to audiobooks whenever we're in the car. My kids are really into the Percy Jackson series right now.

  27. I like that they have a poll. It's great to encourage kids to express an opinion. And how fun that they have giveaways posted right on the site!

  28. Books! They love to read books. They would love this almanac!

  29. I've never seen their yearly almanacs. It looks amazing! Thanks so much for sharing this post and link-up at Booknificent Thursday on this week! Great to have you!

  30. Oh, and by the way, it seems that the Twitter handle in the rafflecopter for National Geographic Kids Books is wrong. It should be @NGKidsBks instead of @NGKidsBooks.

  31. They do a lot of reading, we visit the library a lot and they are involved in the summer reading program there.

  32. I learned about a fish I'd never heard of; it's the hairy frogfish which is a type of fish that is covered in spines. I also learned that the Badland's National Park was established as a national park in 1978.

  33. Two things that I find of interest on the National Geographic Kids website?! You mean, I can only pick two?! Seriously! I love National Geographic. One thing I noticed today is the "Write the Caption" pic of the cat reaching for the piece of banana bread on a napkin/papertowel. Too cute! (Love all animals and their spunkiness.) Also, loved the pic of the polar bear with a milk crate in its mouth. I love that you can get homework help on the site. I love the "Weird but True" stuff, as do my kids! So fun to learn things like that!

  34. I plan to allow my kids plenty of time outside to discover things, and I try not to interrupt. If they want to play in dirt and mulch, let them! Don't keep telling them to drop it down. They're learning about their surroundings. :)

  35. My kids go for walks and read. I give them room to stretch their muscles and their imagination.

  36. National Geographic lets kids and others know about our national parks which are treasures to enjoy. The site has fun games and is colorful.

  37. Two interesting facts from the NGK website that especially impressed the kids: (1) Bloodhounds can follow a scent that is four days old and (2) Dolphins can here sounds under water that are 15 miles away.

  38. I plan to take my kids on local field trips to places like a lock on the Erie Canal, local Butterfly & Bluebird preserves.

  39. I would love to use this book in our homeschool! Thanks for sharing this post at the Lifelong Learners Link-Up Party at!


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