Today marked the day that Christians around the World celebrated the resurrection of Jesus the Christ of God. In the sacrificial death of Jesus on the Cross of Golgotha, his burial in a borrowed tomb, His glorious resurrection from a sealed grave and burial wrappings, and His ascension to Heaven, He has provided every man an opportunity for forgiveness from his sins. He has given each person the option of living eternally with God in Heaven or being forsaken by God in an eternal death - hell.
How thankful I am to have a risen Lord and Saviour. How thankful I am that He lives!
Shout it out! Christ is risen! Yes! Christ is risen indeed!
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Praise the Lord that we have a risen Savior!! You are such a blessing and I'm going to follow you on my Facebook (if I can figure out how to do that!) God Bless you Vera! Denise