Sunday, February 7, 2016

Step by Step (Crisis Team #2) by Candace Calvert [Review & Giveaway]

ISBN: 978-1-4143-9034-5
Paperback $14.99
About the book: Three years after a tragic accident left her a widow, ER nurse Taylor Cabot is determined to move on, checking off one item after another on her survival list. Her relationship with a handsome plastic surgeon even gives her hope for the last point—“fall in love again.” At least until crisis chaplain Seth Donovan steps back into her life, reawakening unanswered questions about her husband’s death.

While in San Diego to train community volunteers, Seth hopes to learn why Taylor is backing away from the crisis team and from their friendship. But nothing prepares him for the feelings that arise when he sees Taylor again . . . and sees her moving on with another man.
When a community crisis hits home and puts lives at risk, emotions run high and buried truths are unearthed. Will hope make the survival list?

My thoughts: Candace Calvert does not disappoint. Again she has brought compassionate medical care rendered with the expertise about which only a medical professional could write. This time a new dimension is brought to the table of healing - crisis care by chaplains and caring volunteers. Just as there is a need for someone to patch up and mend broken bodies, there is a need for someone to nourish and gently care for the wounded spirit and soul of those broken by tragedy or who have to endure the loss of a loved one through tragedy.

As the characters are introduced and their flawed personalities or their own broken spirits are fleshed out, we step into scene after scene deftly described and detailed by the author. Forgiveness enters into the story. Tragedy. Healing. Revelation of past secrets. Hope for healed and mended futures. And yes, a sweet love story.

This is a good, clean read that is safe to hand over to any teen or grownup. This is Christian fiction and the thread of faith is delicately woven throughout.
Begins February 7
ENDS February 29  @ 12:01 a.m. ET. 
 Open to USA addresses only.
Only one entrant per mailing address, per giveaway.  If you have won a prize from our sponsor in the last 30 days, you are not eligible to win.

DISCLOSURE: I received a complimentary copy from the author to facilitate a review. These are my own opinions and I was not compensated to review the book.


  1. I think the most interesting thing about Candace...actually the funniest...she plucked an armadillo from her swimming pool! :-D

  2. She also shared on her Facebook Page taht she was featured in Book Fun magazine talking about the accident that changed her life.

  3. Sadly, our small town lost a police officer over the weekend (2-6-16) when he was shot and killed in the line of duty. It is amazing how our community pulled together to honor this man, how other law enforcement officers from outer counties came to honor him & how we've rallied around his wife and children. They are often looked on negatively, but I have high respect for our police force everywhere. They put their lives on the line for us everyday, facing things I'd rather never have to see.

  4. She became a woman of strength after coping with numerous adversities.

  5. I found it interesting and funny about the armadillo in the pool. I love Texas! sonja dot nishimoto at gmail dot com

  6. I discovered she was a nurse and was interested in writing a medical series. sonja dot nishimoto at

  7. My family has many law enforcement personnel and there are always times of worry. We have been blessed so far.

  8. In spite of past struggles, Candace has a great outlook on life and is a positive person.

  9. Candace posts great recipes, too.

  10. Candace broke her back in a horse riding accident, and recovered!

  11. Candace often shares photos of food!

  12. What a treat! I would love to read this, have read and reviewed the first in series. Congrats on this new release! Blessings! jeaniedannheim (at) ymail (dot) com

  13. OOpsie - read the comment parameters after I commented! I am stunned by and had no idea of what she endured - the divorce, flooding, then the severe injuries from the horse-riding accident. Praise God for His faithfulness, and for giving her the talent to write such beautiful medical-romance-suspense novels! jeaniedannheim (at)

  14. It's interesting that her story, “By Accident,” appears in Chicken Soup for the Nurse’s Soul, and launched her writing career.
    Dianna (dedezoomsalot at yahoo dot com)

  15. She was featured in Book Fun magazine.
    Dianna (dedezoomsalot at yahoo dot com)

  16. Oh my goodness! Candace grew up checking her shoes for scorpions?! Is that a thing in Texas? If so, I'm never moving there!

  17. I learned on Candace's Facebook page (from the link to Book Fun magazine) that she got bucked off her horse and badly injured! I'm so glad that she's okay now!

  18. My husband was badly injured at work almost a year ago. Since then, we've encountered hundreds of people in the medical field, some better than others. We're so grateful to all of them who helped to calm him and to heal him!

  19. I'm so grateful for crisis personnel. The wonderful doctors and nurses at our hospital saved my daughter when I went into very early labor.

  20. I learned that she rescued an armadillo from her pool. Too funny!

  21. Thanks for sharing at the #LMMLinkup. I'll add your book to my giveaway roundup!

  22. Thanks for sharing at the #LMMLinkup. I'll add your book to my giveaway roundup!

  23. I didn't know armadillos liked to swim!

  24. Candace, I'm impressed you're a dancer too! Is country dancing line dancing, square dancing, or something else?

  25. I'm so thankful for crisis personnel, we live in a rural community and the first responders are all volunteer or under paid.

  26. I find it interesting that it took a triple whammy to get her attention. That is pretty normal to me. Unfortunately a lot of us are like that. I am glad you realize it is a positive outcome to some bad situations.

  27. She was featured in Book Fun Magazine

  28. I was blessed to have a recent experience with all of the mentioned personnel. They saved my life.

  29. I'm enjoying your comments and so appreciate your kind interest in my hopeful fiction. I look forward to personalizing/signing a book for Vera's winner!

  30. Thank you again, Vera, for hosting me here, and for your gracious review of my newest novel.

  31. I have enjoyed reading each of these comments - and Candace, thank you for stopping by. I and my family have benefited from the gracious and timely care of medical personnel, EMS workers (racing us to the hospital), firemen when we thought there was a gas leak in our house, etc. Many thanks to each and every one of them and to those caring Chaplains and crisis care volunteers.

  32. Candace Calvert's journey to writing medical fiction was very interesting. She had to become completely broken spritually, mentally and physically before she surrendered to Christ. I love knowing that when I read her books that she is an authentic and transparent believer.

    1. Candace, it's great to see your fitbit activity and giveaway. My husband got one for Christmas, but we've yet to get it figured out.

    2. My husband works in law enforcement. I'm very proud of what he does for a living. On top of what he provides for our family, he also suffers from PTSD and works at keeping himself healthy in order to work and do it effectively.

  33. I had no idea that she'd had such a horrible accident or that writing about it was how she got started writing.

  34. I always enjoy seeing what she is cooking. She shares interesting dishes on Facebook.

  35. The one time I was in the ER, I was very impressed and thankful for the all the ER personnel, who were helpful and concerned about my welfare and health.

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. Candace enjoys cooking! I wish I had some of that talent!

  38. Both of my parents have experience in the medical field and I'm always interested in their stories! I might have some love of medical things in my blood, too ;)

  39. I love that she's swam with stingrays! Anyone who travels is someone I am kin to! :)

    bschwe at gmail dot com

  40. Candace enjoys cooking! I wish I had some of that talent!

    bschwe at gmail dot com

  41. I am so thankful to the various crisis personnel (such as law enforcement, EMS, ER doctors & nurses, etc.). We owe them a lot!

  42. She shared information about her book, The Recipe, on her facebook page. That also looks like a book that I would really enjoy reading. :)

  43. I like that she was a former ER nurse. I have so much respect for them! :)

  44. I don't read enough medical dramas, even though I always enjoy them when I do. Thanks so much for sharing this at Booknificent Thursday on this week!

  45. I thought it was interesting that she lived in the Texas Hill Country for a few years. It's true that you have to check your shoes for scorpions!

    allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

  46. I am totally thankful for emergency personnel. They help save people's lives!

    allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

  47. That she rode a camel at the pyramids.

  48. She shares that she's featured in Book Fun magazine about the accident that changed her life.

  49. We have many crisis personnel in my family, my brother is an ER nurse, my nephew(his son) is a paramedic, his(nephews wife) is a police officer also several nurses. My Dad was burned seven years ago and passed away three days later. I have so much appreciation for fire fighters, ER nurses, paramedics and medical helicopter personnel since the tragedy.

  50. I found her plucking an armadillo from her swimming pool very interesting

  51. She also posts welcome posts to the new people who have liked her FB page

  52. Crisis Personnel is a Very Honorable job and they should be proud to have that job and should be respected Thanks

  53. first she author i have not read her book sound good and then she went through hell and came out kicking

  54. with bein inmdeical fiedl she was able tohandle what she was giving and then make book about them they are hard on you sometime and er nurse is the hardest job

  55. She shares Her Vacation with Huby


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