Monday, January 11, 2016

Little Pirates enjoy reading their Captain No Beard books

From time to time I have the opportunity to review Carole P. Roman's Captain No Beard books and afterwards I pass them along to my daughter's four little girls. They delight in reading them as you can see here.....

 10 Winners of assorted pirate books (surprise to winner)
1 Grand Prize Winner will receive the entire series of nine pirate books
Begins December 25
ENDS January 20, 2016  @ 12:01 a.m. ET. 
 Open to USA addresses only.


  1. Of all the make-believe we played as children... I don't think we ever played pirates. The popular choices around my house seem to be Cowboys & Indians, Military, and that sort of thing. ;)

    Thanks for offering this giveaway! :)

  2. We didn't play pirates. When we walked to the river there was an old house and it had a rock balcony that looked over the river. I loved the few old houses we found and explored! ��

  3. If you were me and live in... series:

  4. My grandson Jake and the Neverland Pirates. He had a pirate themed birthday party.

  5. My granddaughter loves to play pirates. She has a play doh set of Jake the pirate with his treasure chest.

  6. the If you were me and live in... series

    tiramisu392 (at)

  7. I don't think the grandkids have played pirate, they are more in to the super heroes

    tiramisu392 (at) yahoo.comm

  8. We have never played pirates, but we did go to a pirate party years ago!

  9. If you were me and live in... series.

  10. If you were me and lived in series. Wonderful books for the kiddies.
    Carol L
    Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com

    1. My younger grandsons love to play Pirates. As well as watch their Jake dvds.
      Carol L
      Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com

    2. My younger grandsons love to play Pirates. As well as watch their Jake dvds.
      Carol L
      Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com


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