Sunday, January 24, 2016

Giveaway: Beyond the Silence by Tracie Peterson & Kimberly Woodhouse

ISBN13: 9780764214103
Bethany House $14.99 Paperback
About the book:  The shadows over this olive grove hide more than just the truth. . . .

Lillian Porter has always wanted to fulfill her mother's dream of going west, so when she hears about a nanny position in Angels Camp, California, she defies her grandfather and takes a chance on a new future. But she quickly wonders if she made the right choice. Murky rumors swirl around Woodward Colton, her new employer, but the gossip doesn't match the man Lillian comes to know.

Still, something dark did happen in the family's past. Lillian's seven-year-old charge hasn't spoken in over a year. Gently, Lillian tries to coax him out of his shell, hoping he'll one day feel safe enough to share what scared him. But the Colton olive farm is no longer a safe place. Lillian encounters suspicious characters on their land and mysterious damage done to the farm. When the housekeeper is brutally attacked, the town once again suspects the worst. Will discovering the truth help Lillian clear the name of the man she has come to love---or will it endanger her even more?
Begins January 24
ENDS February 10  @ 12:01 a.m. ET. 
 Open to USA addresses only.

Read more about this book & more reviews - click here
DISCLOSURE: I was provided a complimentary copy by Litfuse Publicity Group on behalf of the authors and Bethany House to facilitate this review. Opinions are my own. I was not compensated for this review. Giveaway prize copy is provided by the publicist and will be sent directly to winner by publicist or publisher.


  1. I'm not sure that I would make that trip. If I did the pay would have to be really good.

  2. I think I might take to chance if the time and circumstances seemed to require it. I would try to look at it as an adventure.

  3. If I'm comfortable at home? Probably not.

  4. This book sounds like something I would really enjoy! Thanks so much for sharing this at Booknificent Thursday!

  5. If I felt God leading me there - yes, I would have moved across country in the 1800's. In 1996, at 52 years of age - I moved 5 hours away from family, alone, and without a job, friends, or place to live when God led me to become a cast member of an ongoing Passion Play (about the life of Christ) there. One of the most inspiring eras of my life, and the best move I ever made!!

    Thanks for the giveaway opportunity!!

  6. I would like to think I would take the adventure across the prairie just to see what I could get myself into. Of course, going cross country in a comfortable vehicle with air conditioning sounds just as adventurous. HaHa

  7. I would if I was younger. Adventure is always fun!

  8. Yes, I would have. I joined the army to get away from home.

  9. the death a dn then indians and then i would do it i now i could survie


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