My thoughts: Phones that take pictures is not so new but it isn’t an old technology, either. The advent of the smartphone and its ability to take fantastic pictures ushered in an entirely new fascination that has captivated the minds and attention and consuming addiction of smart phone holders worldwide. So when a young girl (elementary age) inherits her brother’s castoff smart phone, she embarks on her own addition of taking her “selfie” pictures.
She takes one hither and yonder, from up and from down, from sideways and backwards. She is fascinated. Addictively fascinated! And then it is bedtime. But she still wants to continue to take selfies. But sleep must come – for her and her phone. They both need to recharge their batteries.
The consummate addiction of the majority of today’s society with smartphone “selfies” is no respecter of age. You don’t have to be a grown up to pursue this addiction. As long as you have your “source” – the smartphone – you can become an addict. Of course, addition is not openly addressed in the picture book, but the subtle message is certainly there. We can become so consumed with this urge to click a “selfie” that reality takes a back seat.
So with the click of one final “selfie” our little friend puts it away and recharges her own battery with a bit of sleep. Perhaps another look at recharging batteries on a deeper level than a night’s sleep is called for.
This is a cute book and children will love it. Hopefully, it won’t encourage more to become engrossed in the taking of “selfie” pictures.
About the book: Smile! Here comes one of the most memorable (and share-able) selfies of a generation.
“There I am! My first selfie!”
After the star of this story gets her brother’s hand-me-down camera-phone and a quick lesson in the “selfie,” there is no stopping her! Anything can be turned into a selfie, and a host of adventures and misadventures caught on camera prove her point. Turning the camera-phone on herself becomes a part of her every day, all day long. Until, that is, it’s time to call it a day. Turns out, camera-phones and kids alike need to recharge their batteries!
Begins November 10 ENDS November 30 @ 12:00 a.m. ET
Open to USA & CANADA addresses only.
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DISCLOSURE: I received a complimentary copy from Candlewick Press to facilitate this review. Opinions are my own. I was not compensated for the review. Giveaway copy is provided by the publisher and will be mailed by the publisher directly to the winner.
Open to USA & CANADA addresses only.
No P.O. boxes, please!
DISCLOSURE: I received a complimentary copy from Candlewick Press to facilitate this review. Opinions are my own. I was not compensated for the review. Giveaway copy is provided by the publisher and will be mailed by the publisher directly to the winner.
Hmmm, I think we'd enjoy this one, but I'm not sure. This is not a habit I wish to encourage any sooner than it has to happen. Thanks so much for linking this up at Booknificent Thursday this week!