Tuesday, September 29, 2015

MONSTERS: "The Color Monster: A Pop-up Book of Feelings" by Anna Llenas [Review & Giveaway]

ISBN: 9781454917298
Hardcover $19.95
European Import
I'm not particularly fond of monsters. Well, what I mean is monster stories and all the stuff 'n nonsense that goes along with scary, hairy stuff. But I recently had the opportunity to snag two or three "monster" books written for the very young, and I have been delightfully surprised.

In Anna Llenas' The Color Monster: A Pop-up Book of Feelings there is a wonderful presentation in page after page of engaging pop-ups that children will absolutely love. They virtually leap off the page.

What is doubly nice about the book is the simplistic drawings. Just picture in your mind how a child would draw a "scary monster." Well, that is much the way these drawings are. And the way this fun book takes the scary out of our feelings of sadness (blue), anger (red), fear (black), happiness (yellow), calm (green), and that sweet-pink-feeling of love is artistically unique.

Delightful monsters and delightful illustrations that kiddies will love.
Begins September 29
ENDS October 14 @ 12:01 a.m. ET. 
 Open to USA addresses only.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Such a cute picture of the author
Anna Llena with Color Monster. (Source:
About the author/illustrator: Anna Llena has a degree in Advertising and Public Relations from the Autonomous University of Barcelona and a Master in Art-Therapy from the Universitat Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona. A Diploma in Graphic Design from the Llotja School of Barcelona and Formed in Graduate Creative Illustration by Eina School in Barcelona. Professionally she works as author and illustrator of books as an art therapist.

DISCLOSURE: I received a complimentary copy to facilitate this review from Sterling Publishing. Opinions are mine and I was not compensated.


  1. We read books about different feelings.

  2. We deal with the fear of monsters by trying to get rid of them for the children

  3. We deal with her feelings by talking about it and if we can find good books reading and books about it

  4. We deal with the fear of monsters by trying to explain that monsters are not real and read about monsters

  5. My grandson is non verbal so talking about feelings can be difficult i just try to show him alot of love and try to helphim express himself thru sign language

  6. I talk to them and tell them monsters are not real. I always tried to monitor TV watching so as to avoid them seeing monster movies or violent ones that might scare them.

  7. we talk about feelings and how one might deal with them

  8. We have talks about feelings and read stories.

  9. We talk about how monsters are not real and that mom and daddy will protect you.

  10. I tried to explain to my children that monsters are not real also, and that we are always close by to them.
    twinkle at optonline dot net

  11. We have always discussed about our feelings and even as my children got older, we will have conversations.
    twinkle at optonline dot net

  12. We talk about what is real and what is perception when it comes to fears and monsters.

  13. I discuss with them what is a monster, what is so scary about them, and explain they are in our imagination.

  14. I like how you're brave enough to read and review books you think you might not like. And humble enough to let yourself be surprised by them! Thanks for sharing this at Booknificent Thursday this week!

  15. Helping them find a way to conquer them!

  16. We share how things make us feel and it helps them open up and say how they feel!

  17. We talk to them about their feelings.

  18. We create a way to fight the monsters away!

  19. I think you can help children with a fear of monsters by comforting them and trying to make the situation lighter/ happier.

  20. I think to help children to deal with their feelings it's good to talk it out with them and allow them to express themselves without getting angry or upset.

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. I try to get my children to talk about their feelings and when they can't find the words, writing about them or drawing about them or even just rambling or giving examples until they finally find what they are trying to say helps.
    Samantha (samdaleo)

  23. We would talk about any monster fears and do our best to show them that they were unfounded.

    allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

  24. We talk about feelings, read books about feelings, and find constructive outlets to deal with feelings like using music, art, or physical activity.

    allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

  25. I try to talk with my kids about it, trying to explain that there is nothing to fear. When that doesn't satisfy them, I check in closets and under beds.


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