Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Rufus Goes to Sea by Kim T. Griswell & illustrated by Valeri Gorbachev [Review & Giveaway]

ISBN13: 9781454910527
About the book: Ahoy—Pirate Pig on board! What does a book-loving pig like Rufus do when school's out for summer? He turns to his favorite stories for inspiration, of course! And before long, he's dreaming of days filled with adventure and nights under blankets of stars. It's the pirate life for him, matey. But Captain Wibblyshins says NO PIGS ON PIRATE SHIPS! After all, pigs get tangled in the rat lines, they picnic in the crow's nest, and worst of all, they even wipe their chins with the Jolly Roger. Can Rufus convince the Captain that he's no landlubber swine? And could his ticket to piratehood be . . . reading?

My thoughts: Just looking at the cover sort of ticked my fancy and made me want to meet Rufus. How timely here at the start of summer, to have Rufus, who dearly loves school and books, go to school and find the school door locked. Other students are off to various summer activities, but Rufus decides he want to be a pirate. So he sets out to board a pirate ship and go to sea.

The illustrations capture the essence of Rufus ------ as he tries time and time again to board the ship but the captain of the pirates won't allow a pig on his boat and he gives various reasons why he won't. Rufus returns time and time again with something he, a pig, can do to help on the ship.
Throughout the story, Rufus' love of books and of reading is obvious. He has his books with him wherever he goes. And finally finds the solution to his becoming a pirate in the use of words - words which appear in books, on signs, and everywhere.

The child (and parent) that loves books will identify with Rufus. And perhaps the reluctant reader will see how books are fun companions and a key to opening many doors.

Rufus Goes to Sea is a super book that will engage the child individually or in group settings. This would be a great book for the home, school, or public libraries to make certain they have on their shelves.
Begins June 16 & ENDS July 7 @ 12:01 a.m. EDT. 
 Open to USA addresses only.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
DISCLOSURE: I received a complimentary copy to facilitate this review and the opinions expressed are solely my own. I was not compensated for this review.


  1. I think books are very important to the development of children. The earlier that they can be introduced to books, the better chance that they will enjoy the written word.

    I would introduce books & provide them ones to own as early as infancy. My best friend has three daughters (4, 2, 1) and all three love books (true the baby prefers to EAT them rather than READ them)

  2. I think books are very important. They stimulate the imagination, improve vocabulary and grammar, teach sentence structure and to form complex sentences, gives insight into different ways of thinking and different ways of approaching problems, provides examples of actions and consequences, etc. I gave my niece her first book before she was even born!

  3. I love reading to my grandkids. I feel that they learn so much. sonja dot nishimoto at gmail dot com

  4. I started reading to my girls when they were babies. Now they love to read! :)

  5. I think that books are very important to the development of children. I read to them as infants and when they were very young babies I read my adult non-picture books aloud just for the individual time with them.

  6. I think they are incredibly important and should be introduced (fit to the child's level of course) as quickly as possible. I truly believe my success today came from having read out the entire children's section at my local library and having to order boxes of books each week!

  7. This one looks like a lot of fun! Thanks for being a part of Booknificent Thursday this week.

  8. I think it is very important.. I think you can read to an infant and they will love just hearing your voice. Then as they age they learn so much from the interaction too :)

  9. Books are enormously important for a child's development. I've bought books for them from the very beginning.

  10. I started reading books to my little ones when they were infants and they had access to books from the time they could pick one up. Reading is SO important in their development. Access to books is essential I believe.

  11. Books are VERY important in the development of children. I think they should be read to from the time they are born.

  12. I received my book today. The illustrations are really cute and the story is fun. Thanks so much for hosting.


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