So we meet Eden who is a proclaimed reporter who is hung up in the obituary section of the local newspaper. Eden is one of many siblings – all of whom have successful lives, and Eden feels so left out. Eden is, however, the supporting, emotionally and physically, family member of younger brother, Owen, who has moved now into the realm of the famous as a National Hockey League player. He is a young team member. On the same team is bad boy J-Hammer, Jace, who Owen tries to emulate.
Eden and Jace collide in the hockey arena and in their emotions which seem to keep them both in turmoil. They end up trying to pick up the pieces of Owen’s life when a bad choice brings tragic circumstances that affect Owen, Eden, and Jace.
Eden’s and Owen’s family is one you will love getting to know in the book. Of course, this being the second in the Christiansen Family series, some readers will have already made their acquaintance. I had not (much to my chagrin). Reading book two, It Had to be You, without reading the first in the series did not hamper my understanding or enjoyment. Go for it! Feel the hockey puck flash down the ice and the soaring emotions as life decisions are made.
Let's hear from Susan about It Had to be You..... click here
DISCLOSURE: I received a complimentary copy of It Had to be You from the publisher, Tyndale House Publishing, Inc., in exchange for my honest review. Opinions expressed are solely my own. I was not compensated for this review.
I appreciated your thoughts, Vera. I've read about five of her books, and while I enjoy Susan's writing, her contemporaries aren't my favorite - but I haven't tried this series yet and It Had to Be You sounds interesting. Sons of Thunder, a historical written in 2010, was one of my very favorites.