Friday, September 13, 2013

Get acquainted with Social Studies Series for the young child: "If You Were Me and Lived in..... Mexico, South Korea, France" by Carole P. Roman (Giveaway for Chat With Vera's readers)

Author Carole P. Roman has provided the opportunity for one of Chat With Vera's readers to be blessed by receiving all 3 of the childrens' social studies series: "If You Were Me and Lived In..... Mexico, South Kora, France" AND a Toys-R-Us $50 giftcard.  I previously reviewed each of the delightfully informative books and found them educational teaching various tid-bits of information and culture of the country, colorful, and fun. Take a look at each of my reviews:
  1. If You Were Me and Lived in South Korea
  2. If You Were Me and Lived in Mexico....... France (both books)
Each of these books is a delight and definitely geared to the young child's learning and interest. Children love seeing how other children look, where they live, what they eat, and what they play with.

Why not read my reviews and also go to and read other rave reviews for Carole P. Roman's books.  But for right now, just use the entry form below and see if perhaps you might be the one to be blessed with a set of books and a gift card that will help tremendously for your upcoming holiday spending.

GIVEAWAY: A print copy of each of the If You Were Me and Lived In.... books PLUS a $50 Toys R Us gift card (USD) to one lucky winner. Open in US and Canada. Begins 9/13 & ENDS 9/30/13 @ 12:01 a.m. ET.
a Rafflecopter giveaway DISCLOSURE: Set of 3 books and $50 Toys-R-Us gift card provided by the author as a giveaway for one of Chat With Vera's readers. This giveaway hosted solely for readers of Chat With Vera.


  1. I am not 'fluent' in any culture other than my own - but I do know bits & pieces of different cultures, most revolving around food since I come from a family of cooks & chefs.

  2. We are adding 2 new grandbabies to our family this fall so I would use the $50 Toys R Us gift card for baby toys, diapers & outfits.

  3. I am familiar with the Japanese and Austrian cultures because that is where my parents came from but not as familiar with other cultures.

  4. I am familiar with German and Czech culture, because my mother is 1/4 German and 1/2 Czech. I also love to try food from other cultures whenever possible.

  5. I would purchase homeschool items/books for my daughter.

  6. I am familiar with Italian culture through my husbands family. We also had two relatives from Italy visit and stay with us for two weeks

  7. I would use it for Christmas gifts for familt

  8. I'm not really fluent in other culture, but did learn a lot about some of the Asian countries when I became friends with 2 exchange students when I was growing up.

    If I win the gift card - I will use it to buy Christmas gifts for my nieces & nephews.

    Thanks for the giveaway opportunity!


  9. Unfortunately I am not familiar with other cultures. Ive always been interested in other traditions, especially around the holidays.

  10. I unfortunately am not familiar with other cultures. Ive always been interested in other traditions, especially around the holidays.

  11. If I won I would buy a Disney Princess Doll and a Mike the Knight toy for my grandkids Christmas.

  12. We are an interesting family -- I'm 1/2 Russian and 1/2 Ukranian, my husband is 1/2 American with some Cherokee heritage and 1/2 Italian, plus my Sister-in-Law is 1/2 German and 1/2 Indonesian . We really hope that our kids will maintain this "tradition" and will bring some new cultures (if I may say it) into the family. We also have some close friends from Hungary, Croatia, South Korea and China.

    1. Your family's cultural connections is certainly varied and would make for some interesting exchanges. I trust that their heritages was brought along with their blood so that you can all benefit it.

  13. If I won the gift card I would for sure use it for Christmas gifts for family.

  14. I am not very fluent with other cultures but would like to be.

  15. the hubby and i do not come from very diverse backgrounds - so we are pretty bland when it comes to culture. However, we are adopting - and excited to learn about the rich culture of our little one - and hope to pass on as much as we can to them.

  16. I'm not as familiar with other cultures as I'd like to be. Growing up, I had neighbors from Hungary, and Syria I learned a lot about. With the internet, I have met people from Turkey,Pakistan, and a few other places.I have found a lot of common ground with them, and the differences are enriching.

  17. I really love the concept of this series, and I hope she writes many more books! I've been fortunate to be surrounded my many cultures in my life, and I hope the same for my children!

    Thanks for sharing this at Booknificent Thursday!

  18. I hate to say it but I am not familiar with any cultures other than my own. I've never had the opportunity to travel and experience other cultures but I would love to and I hope to in the future.

  19. I was born and raised in a city with a lot of immigrants, so we became quickly aware of the varying cultures in the area and have learned so much. I think it's amazing what we can learn from others but saddened by the ignorance still in today's society.

  20. My parents wanted to be missionaries but my older sister was born with a hole in her heart. So, they decided to become a host family to others from many different cultures through our local university. We had teachers of English & other people stay with us for 1 to 3 nights from India, Turkey, Zimbabwe, Venezuela, Barbados, Japan, Malaysia, and several other countries. We also hosted students for 1 year each from Sapporo, Japan and Okinawa, Japan. We hosted a student for six months from Holland. We were also host family for several different students at the University throughout their studies (they did not live with us, but attended family gatherings and trips) from Malaysia and Iran. We also hosted a family of 4 from Iran for 9 months. There were always people from all over the world in and out of the house I grew up in. It was a wonderful way to experience cultures different from my own.

    1. How wonderfully generous of your parents to open their home like that. Wonderful that you were able to experience this. In the Christian school

    2. My computer is playing games tonight.... we'll see if I can finish this :)

      I work in a Christian school and we have an exchange student program. It is wonderful to have the opportunity to share one's home for 9 months with a young person from another country. Wonderful for them and wonderful for the host family.

  21. I come from an Italian family. Besides a few words and knowing our history back several generations, we don;t know much! Erinn from

  22. I am very comfortable about other countries and cultures. My family is very diverse, we have Turkish, American (mix of Norwegian, German, Native American, etc.). I married someone from another country and I was born in Germany (lived there for over 9 years) and we have traveled to many different countries!

    1. How wonderful to have the opportunity to travel so much and experience so many cultures. I hope you are retaining some of the precious heritages from your mixed-cultural background into your family's life.

  23. I will use the GC on my sons, new games!

  24. I was sent to the Philippines by my employer in 2011 and I lived their culture. This third world country amazed me. Most Filipinos are poor yet are very religious. Everything is cheaper there

  25. i would use the giftcard for my grandkids Christmas gifts

  26. I am pretty familiar with Iranian culture because my husband's parents are from there and they often tell me of their childhoods. I also think it is important for my kids to know all about the places their family came from, so I definitely do my research as well!

  27. These are great books. Definitely passing on to my daughter who teaches 6th grade! Thanks for sharing on the Kid Lit Blot Hop. Cheryl, Hop Hostess

  28. I would purchase books for my daughters.

  29. The Rafflecopter isn't coming up.

    1. Mary - Thank you so much for alerting me to this. I have fixed it. Don't know why it stopped loading. Sometimes strange things just seem to happen. I believe you can click the link and it will load in another page, but that is not optimal. The plan is for you to be able to see and act on it right here on the blog. :)

  30. I have friends in many countries and I am of Greek descent, so I try to learn all I can about countries other than the U.S. Also, we have a large Vietnamese community here in Fort Smith, Arkansas and a large Mexican community and in making friends with neighbors, I have learned a lot about their religion, their customs, and their food. I have not learned the languages though.

    1. What a treasure to be exposed to folks from different cultures.

  31. My teen daughter is fascinated with other cultures so I mainly learn from her. She loves everything about the UK culture as well as most Asian cultures. She took Spanish to learn about that culture, for 3 years and now she is on to French to learn about them. She dreams of traveling and living abroad. She teaches me something new every day about differences and diversity.


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