Resolution! You start the New Year off with good intentions, make those "I'll eat healthier," "I'll exercise more," or "I'll cut out that junk food" resolutions and then by February or March you've fallen off the wagon, 'er maybe exercise bike, or whatever. The deal is you didn't keep those resolutions. But we're here today to show you that you can do it!
Replacement Resolution: You made a resolution and didn't keep
it. So what! We're going to
replace those lost, fell-short-of, or "I
forgot" resolutions and go simple. Go healthy. Go good. We're going to
pack in the applesauce a little bit at a time. And we're going to use
applesauce to
replace (now say it with me!!!) Chips! High calorie snack
bars! Candy! Ice Cream! You get the gist of it? How can we do this?
Well, my technique is to purchase those little six-packs of individual
cups of applesauce. No refrigeration needed. They tote well. They tuck
into a desk drawer well. They fit into a lunch box (bag, pail, box,
whatever) well. Dad can do it. Junior can do it. Sis can do it. Mom
can do it

Musselmans Applesauce has provided me with three six-packs of
applesauce: natural, cinnamon, and original. And they are so good!
Also, they sent me a wonderful exercise ball.
Musselman has given me the opportunity to participate in their
"Replacement Resolution" promotion. I am honored to be their representative in this wonderful promotion. The gist of it is you simply
replace high calorie or high fat snacks with Musselman's applesauce.
The result will be fewer fat grams, fewer calories, less sugar, lower sodium in your
diet and hopefully a healthier you!

Along with the "Replacement
Resolution" is the premise that if we get moving and exercise in
whatever way we can (according to our health, age, and ability) and we
replace snacks with applesauce, we will get stronger and we will get
healthier. Now that's a goal I can aim for. Another resolution of mine
is to drink more water. We have exceptionally good well water at our
home and it is filled with minerals. So this is another good
replacement resolution. Less soft drinks and more water!
Being a Southern-lady-of-a-certain-age, I'm really not into getting all hot and sweaty. I've never really exercised much - beyond taking care of the house and a bit of walking. So I need to get up and get moving. Well, Musselmans is going to be helping me with that, too. They sent me a big fat yoga ball. I inflated it with the little pump that came with it and proceeded to introduce myself to it's glories.

- Step 1 is you inflate it
- Step 2 is you go online and find out how to use it - especially if you're in the "senior" category like I am.(Isn't Google great!)
- Step 3 is you sit on the ball and try not to fall off. Oops! You did! You get back on and find you CAN balance on it and move your arms a bit. You can sit and do leg raises and some upper body twists. Tomorrow is another day, and you WILL try it again.
- Step 4 is you make sure you replace those fat snacks and high calorie snacks with applesauce. (I'm a step ahead on this one because I stock my desk at work with two or three little cups of applesauce at all times.)

Would you like to participate in the Musselman's
"Replacement Resolution"? You can enter the giveaway below; and if you're the winner, Musselman will send you a wonderful box that has 3 six-packs of little cups of Musselman's applesauce and they will also send you the yoga ball! Then you can see if YOU can BALANCE on it, too.
GIVEAWAY: Now go ahead and use the Rafflecopter form below and let's get
"Resolving to Replace" all that fat and high calorie stuff in our diets.
(Begins March 3 and ends March 20 @ 12:00 a.m. EST - Open to USA addresses only)
a Rafflecopter giveaway
DISCLOSURE: I received Musselman's applesauce and the yoga ball in exchange for my promoting the Replacement Resolution and for my honest opinion. Opinions expressed are solely my own and I received no compensation for this review.