Saturday, December 27, 2008
Fantastic buys at
There is a code for free shipping on orders over $50 - 275405. Have a "second christmas."
At least 90% off - Search
At least 80% off - Search
NEW CODES UNTIL 1/2/09: 10% off everything in your order: 289652; OR - Free shipping on orders of $25 or more: 289655
(Note: I have no connection with and receive no kickback from them. This is simply a good deal I wanted to share.)
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Where is He who is born King of the Jews?
So Christ was born quietly, without mid-wife, doctor, or assistance other than that of Joseph. The babe had no sterile environment in which to be laid. Yet he was more pure than anything ever to be placed in this world.
True there were Jewish scholars who studied the Torah and knew that God's anointed Messiah was to be born. But either their were oblivious to the clues or they were blinded by the eyes of Satan to expect Christ at that time and at that place. It was only when questioned by Herod that his scholars opened their eyes to the fact that a King of the Jews was to be born. And this only when Wise Men from the East came to Herod and asked where the King was for they had "seen his star."
They still await.
They still have not seen.
They are still oblivious.
Remembering a Church Christmas Program

Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Upside Down
This is a particularly intriguing video. Please view it in it's entirety.
Upside Down from Pace Hartfield on Vimeo.
Monday, December 22, 2008
Traditional Christmas Dinner

Friday, December 19, 2008
Taking our Portion
Let's take a moment and think a little about this verse. I don't think it is referring to "riches and wealth" as being very wealthy or having great riches. I believe it is referring to having enough for what you need and then perhaps some to share.
This being the case, we are given "power to eat thereof" - you know having our tummies full, having our needs met, and being able to do it in joy.
Also, we are able to "take his portion" as in we have what we need - for there is no other way to truly view your "portion" as anything other than what you need.
And then where do we get this "riches and wealth"? Why we get it from our labours and now we are able to "rejoice in our labours." It is wonderful to have the mental acuity, physical health and strength, and opportunity to actually WORK or LABOUR.
And then, finally, we can recognize that all this is a "gift of God." What a joy to know that God provides our labor, our portion, and the rejoicing we have in these.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
WWII - The Battle of the Bulge
Monday, December 1, 2008
Is "cussing" acceptable?
Gentlemen and Ladies simply do not need to use vulgar or profane language. I was not exposed to it and we never exposed our children to it. It simply was not and is not acceptable to us. That does not mean that the feeling expressed by some of the words or terms expressing anger, dismay, etc. have not being felt. It simply means that you learn to control your verbal expressions as well as your physical expressions.
Now that is simply "polite society." As a Christian we have a higher calling to control and cleanse our tongues and our emotions. We are not to act or live profanely or in any sort of a vulgar manner. It would not be pleasing to our Lord and Saviour. Nor would it honor Him who has redeemed us.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Abiding in the Shadow of the Almighty
But for anyone experiencing difficulties of any type, God has comfort and God has hope. Let’s look at a bit of Psalm 91 and take comfort in these promises.
He ….. shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.
I will say of the LORD, He is my refuge and my fortress:….my God; in him will I trust.
He shall cover thee (this is to provide a shield over you to protect you)
Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night; ….. nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness; nor for the destruction that wasteth at noonday.
……..there shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling.
For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways.
(Words from God to us tell us of protection--)
I will be with him in trouble;
I will deliver him
So take comfort in knowing that as a Child of God, you have a loving God who cares and provides.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Being Granny Frugal, I popped the carcass of 2 of the birds in a freezer bag for later. These I will boil and use the liquid for cooking rice or for a soup base. There will be a little meat that I can glean from the bones. This I will mix with a little mayonnaise, mustard (Grey Poupon harvest is great), pickle relish (sweet and/or dill), chopped onion and celery. A little pepper - now you have a bit of real good chicken salad.
I have already cooked one of the carcasses that I didn't freeze. I made a soup. I used 1/2 can diced tomatoes w/peppers, celery, onion. Chopped a little celery and onion into it. Added a little precooked rice I had on hand (or you could toss in a tablespoon or two of uncooked rice). Added a can of Bush's mixed beans (pinto & northern). Dash of pepper. There you have it. Quick and delicious.
If you don't slice the meat and serve right away, you can use some of it in any casserole that you want. You can also take one of those Hamburger or Chicken Helpers and put some of the chicken in it.
Have fun!
Friday, October 17, 2008
....where is the respect?
It has been reported that Senator Obama said the following: "Its not that I want to punish your success, when you spread the wealth around it is good for everyone." This was in response to "Joe the Plumber." Much has been said about "Joe" and much has been said about Senator Obama's tax plan and spreading the wealth around. I frankly, do not want any form of Socialism and believe that you don't take from the wealthy to give to the poor. Not forced giving. The fact is this and other statements have probably been blown all out of proportion - Statements by Senator Obama and statements by Senator McCain.
However, in regard to this statement being blown out of proportion, I believe, truly believe, that statements from both camps have been blown out of proportion. Also, where is any respect in this election? I see so very little. These are people who are aspiring to become the leader of the best nation in the world. How can anyone think well of their future leadership when all this rot has been transpiring.
Someone recently said something which I think is very noteworthy:
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
China and the element of trust
This is causing me, and I am wondering how many others, to doubt the safety of all foodstuff products produced, or whose ingredients are produced, in China. A few months back it was contaminated toothpaste. Now milk, Cadbury candy, cookies, etc.
When you pick up a package at the grocer's do you read where it is produced? Do you read where ALL the ingredients originated? Can you even determine where the ingredients originated? How vigilant are you? How vigilant are you going to be in the future?
China, are you listening? Do you hear that we are really worried about the products you are sending out to your own consumers and to us?
Monday, September 15, 2008
Strolling Down Memory Lane - Revisited
Born just prior to the US entering WWII, I remember lots of things coming about. However, I really don't remember anything about the war. Mom showed me the ration stamps that she still had and shared stories, and Dad showed me a German Luger (sp) gun my uncle brought back. I lost an uncle in the war and 2 other uncles fought in Europe.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
After the LABOR DAY Rest.........
Here is a bit of a song (a real oldie) that I thought you might enjoy to move you along today.
That Lucky Old Sun
Up in the morning, out on the job
Work like the devil for my pay
But the lucky old sun has nothing to do
But roll around heaven all day
Fuss with my woman, toil for my kids
Sweat til I'm wrinkled and grey
While the lucky old sun has nothing to do
But roll around heaven all day
Good Lord above can't you know I'm pining
Tears all in my eyes
Send down that cloud with a silver lining
Lift me to paradise
Show me the river, take me across
Wash all my troubles away
Like the lucky old sun give me nothing to do
But roll around heaven all day
Good Lord above can't you know I'm pining
Tears all in my eyes
Send down that cloud with a silver lining
Lift me to paradise
Show me the river, take me across
Wash all my troubles away
Like the lucky old sun give me nothing to do
But roll around heaven all day
Roll around, roll around heaven all day
Roll around, roll around heaven all day
(midi file) That Lucky Old Sun
Monday, September 1, 2008
For someone downcast
What you need to do (at least to some extent) is recognize that people are people and they are going to many times disappoint you. God and His Son, Jesus Christ, will NEVER disappoint you. So when you find yourself in a situation where a person avoids you, leaves you, disapoints you, leaves you "holding the bag," REMEMBER
Jesus is there for you.
- He will never
---avoid you
---leave you
---disappoint you
---leave you "holding the bag - He will always supply
---Your need for company
---Your need to companionship
---Your need for approval and for correction
---Your supplier of all comforts (note: not material desires, but comforts)
Simply place your trust in Him to save you, comfort you,
provide for you, assure you.
Christ is all I need,
Christ is all I need,
All, all I need,
Christ is all I need,
Christ is all I need,
All, all I need.
He was crucified,
For me He died, on Calvary.
That He loved me so,
This is why I know,
Christ is all I need.
Words of song and midi from
Saturday, August 30, 2008

Today was very pretty and somewhat hot. But things are beautifully green after the lovely (drenching) rain we had on Thursday. Well, I got up and had a couple cups of coffee to get going and then commenced to clean. Well, not deep clean, but getting dust off the floors, window blinds, and furniture - at least in some of the house.
After surfing the web and finding some nice $1 coupons on a variety of items at the grocery store, I headed out to the local store. I was also armed with some very nice coupons for freebies that I gathered from the All You magazine. How delightful to see that some of the items were also Buy-One-Get-One free items. How wonderful it is to be so pleasantly surprised and able to stretch the grocery dollars. God is good. Every time. All the time. Isn't it great how He supplies in our lives?
Have you checked out the daily Bible reading (through the Bible in a year) link on my blog? It is really nice in that you can LISTEN to it! So you can kick back, open your Bible, and listen to it being beautifully read. Enjoy!
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Our salvation is provided by Christ and Christ alone. It is not of righteousness lest any should boast. It is not of our works in any way. If we had to work for our salvation, the work of Christ on the cross would not have been necessary. Man can not atone for his sin because the gulf of separation between God and sinful man is too great. It takes the perfect righteousness of Christ and His atoning work to provide our salvation.
Therefore, since our atonement is in the perfect righteousness of Christ, once we have recognized our need of redemption and have accepted Christ's all sufficient work on the cross, we become one of the forgiven, adoptive children of God.
As a child of God, we may not please Him in things we do. We may not walk close by His side. We may actually anger God by our disobedience. We are, however, His children. We are His.
The story of the prodigal is often used to portray a sinner who comes to God (the Heavenly Father). I see it, too, as the portrayal of a son who has strayed and returned to the Father. We as children of God (redeemed children of God) may stray, we may displease our Father, but we can return to His open and loving arms.
In a nutshell, we are always the beloved child of the Father once we are adopted (born again) into His family.
(c)Copyright GrannyGGodley
Monday, August 25, 2008
On G'mama and the toilet paper: I am glad you went over there and took the toilet paper; and I am especially glad you spent the time with her. At that age (97) and living in an elder-care facility, their world is so very, very small and closing in on them daily. You expanded it for her and brightened it a bit. Being asked by your Mom to take toilet paper was a bit much, but going and doing something special for your G'mama was wonderful! Glad you enjoyed taking your own time to give her a little more quality time.
On your Mom: I'm pretty close to the same age. I try not to call upon my kids to do anything for me. When I do it is something I think they will recognize as valid. Her request that you care for her little critter during a storm (critter was an insider) while she was out of town is a bit much. Animals are meant to fend for themselves in weather of all types. Why, they are even suppose to find their own food! Of course, that is prior to man's domestication of the critters. Now if your Mom felt she could travel to friends and far away places, she probably took care of the feeding of her little critter. God will take care of the frightened critter during the storm. So you did a good thing by not trying to cope with doggie's fear factor and staying out of the fray.
On being taken advantage of by family: Consider family as your nucleus here on Earth for consistency. If it is going go "consist" (my coined word usage), then we are responsible to make it consist - stay together. However, we have to recognize that each member of the family needs to have time on their own. Time to think. Time to relax. Time to reflect. Time to mend. Time to unwind. Etc., etc., etc. This day was to be your's to do all these things as you needed to do them. You Mom was being unrealistic. Is she typically this way? Is this a new factor in her life or behavior?
Each of you will have to deal as you can with situations peculiar to your individual families. You need to remember, though, that each of you must do your part to hold the family together. But you must each carve time out for yourself in order to remain sane and healthy.
Do unto others as you would have others do unto you. Luke 6:31
Do that which is right and good in the site of the Lord. Deuteronomy 6:18
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Hello to the world of blogging!
To begin with let's thank God that it is such a beautiful day. Yes, it is. For He has made it.